
Monday 26 September 2011


I know I know,your all out there waiting, watching just hanging on my every word [ in my dreams] wanting to know just what 'holiday cake is like' Well now let me see if I can put it into words----
 But before I try I'll just fill you in on the last two weeks and why the delay in bringing the latest from Upes Iela.
On the 13th we had friends from England visit, Mark and Alison came for ten days R and R but for some reason insisted on working [ MBM] so the kitchen and dining room got a fresh coat of paint,cakes and pies were baked, the washing line was repaired and a new fence was started, the chimney swept from the top down, and that was all in the first 24 hours!!!! no not really we did spread it out over the days they were here. Work here has taken on a whole new meaning, oh yes there are jobs that have to be done like the potatoes,or the grass has to be cut on a more or less regular basis, but we have found it is more important to spend time relaxing and just being ourselves with friends, having fellowship round the meal table is a time to catch up on the news from the UK , sharing the needs of friends here in Stelpe, laughing at good memories, encouraging each other and enjoying each others company. Of course one must not forget that all these things are made much better with the obligatory cup of tea.
Before setting out for our walk we just had to stop for a cuppa

We were able one day to get away from work and take Mark and Alison for a walk round the lakes in Vecumnieki the day started cloudy and overcast, but soon the clouds were gone and we enjoyed clear blue sky and warm sunshine.

However there time with us went all to quickly and before we knew it we were saying goodbye at the airport, them to their busy lives and us heading back for more of that hard work I keep thinking about, well there is always tomorrow. I jest of course, we were reminded just this last week of how we should value our time as we heard news from a friend that her husband had  passed away. Although many mile away our hearts go out to her 
pictures do not do justice to the real thing
The Autumn colours are now with us and as we travel about we never cease to be amazed that what just a few days ago was a tired dull dusty green is now transformed into the most vivid red ,yellow and orange colours which will make a carpet of colour for the children young and old to kick through.
We are hoping to buy ourselves a smaller car soon as running a large seven seater for just the two of us seems a bit OTT, someone in the village has a VW Golf which is the right price and has a full years technical test [MOT] to you and me, Gaston our local mechanic says ' for the price they are asking I think this is a good car' so watch this space for more news.
The best ever
Now I have kept you to long so what is Holiday cake like. The words like gorgeous, tasty,scrumptious,yummy and mouthwatering come to mind but you would have to taste it t really know what it's like, Whats in I hear you ask well there are hazelnuts,raisins,cherries, white and brown sugar, cloves cinnamon and allspice butter and 1cup of thick apple sauce, no one flavour over rides another they just all blend together to make the best ever. The complete recipe is available on request from the Stelpe Kitchen, 

Go on live dangerously ask for it [Bet you don't]
We have a busy week coming up and rumour has it we will be entertaining guests from several different countries including some people from the British Council. Better check the batteries are all charged up in the camera.


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