
Sunday 6 December 2015


OK so I had a new post all ready to publish, just had to add some new pictures and then it all went down the drain. Following the instructions I added the pictures I had chosen and bingo!!! they all went into the blog in the wrong order and wrong place and as I endeavored to move them so the writing shot all over the place some went to the top of the page some to the bottom. In the end I became fed up and deleted the lot. Does this sort of thing happen to you?? I know I'm rubbish with modern technology.
But as we were taught at school " if you don't at first succeed chuck it in the bin!! no no try try again !
So here we go
Waxwings flock feed on the berries
 left by the summer visitors.
Pretty well all of our migratory birds have left us to find warmer quarters for the winter months, but this leaves room for others to come and feed in the garden and for us to take more notice of, like the flock of sparrows which mob the table when food is put out and sit happily in the bush next to the table waiting to pounce, even the magpies seem to be dressed in their finest when the sun shines on their black feathers and turns them into shades of green much as oil on water does. My favourite though has to be the waxwings they don't stay long but the colours have to be seen,close up, from shades of foxy red through dusky grey-pink to a black tail with the brightest yellow band that flashes as they fly, perched in the fruit trees you can see the cockatiel like crest, they are so pretty. 
We did have a smattering of snow last week which was quite nice for our son and daughter-in-law who were on a short visit here,and then as soon as they had gone the sun came out for couple of days which gave me the chance to finish protecting some of our more tender plants,our roses this year have been wonderful ,they give
 so much value for little money. I can remember when I worked in a garden centre customers complaining that there roses had died  and when asked how long had had them , oh it must be 20 years or more.But they were good ones costing 7/6d thats about 37p today. 20 years of flowers for 37p can't be bad can it? But I digress all of our roses are now covered with a blanket of saw dust created when I cut our logs this year and our iris have a covering of fir branches                
Such great value for money 
 But please don't ask what variety they are

 If only you could add a smell to  the pictures!! 

You can't see them now  but come next year our iris will make a splendid show.
I know we shall probably lose a few plants but if the snow comes soon before the ground freezes to deeply we should be OK.
On one fine day I decided to take Lilja along the river for  a walk and took my camera with me in case we might find something worth a picture. All around our area the workmen have been busy clearing trees from close to the overhead powerlines and there are now new views to be seen just up our road.
hopefully power cuts will be a thing of the
past this winter 
Now our little river Misa may not be the largest of Latvia's rivers but we do have a waterfront, and I do catch fish in it. There are Pike, perch Dace and Roach in it. 
We can also boast of beaver,fox,deer,pine marten and now racoon dogs moving across our  land

Maybe the start of a new beaver's dam? they build their lodge away from the river reaching it by a tunnel dug into the river bank below the waterline and on more than one occasion have found myself falling through the roof of these tunnels sometimes they can be over a meter deep which makes a walk along the river quite an adventure. More neighbours seem to be keeping their stretch of the river bank clear.

Looking towards our property who would
could guess what monsters lie along it's
banks and under the water

As there is a strip of common land running alongside the river who knows one day we may have a pleasant riverside walk to enjoy.    

 I left these two just where I found them,collecting mushrooms is a whole new ball game over here, and we have discovered  that the ones we like are best gathered in Maxima or Rimi.
Here is an interesting example
of recycling,a pop bottle used as a beaver guard on a small sapling  
However the highlight of the last month, must be the celebration of our Golden wedding anniversary, yes we've been together now for more than 50 years if you count our courting days.
Where is that man, he always disappears
when I've got a job for him!!!!! 

We had a small celebration with our family whilst we were visiting the UK and it was lovely just having them with us all be it for such a short time. The actual day of our anniversary was the 13th of November, but on the 12th we had a visit from the Vecumnieki registrar and Stelpe council leader who brought us flowers and gifts which were very much appreciated.  We had thought of having a small party with ex pats we have met since moving here, but decided to do something a little different. No not bungee jumping from the cable car whilst renewing our vows in Sigulda, we choose instead to treat the whole of Stelpe school, from students to cleaners to a special dinner, we left the choice of menu to the dinner ladies. 
Well they did us proud with soup,chicken with salad, potatoes and sauce, bananas,hot chocolate and of course cake, leaving us with many happy memories to cherish of our school family here in Stelpe.
Just some of the children and teachers enjoying,
our special celebration lunch.

I close this with some pictures of our special day 
Greetings from our very dear friend Rita
the english teacher

With the whole school assembled Dagmara took the
opportunity to say that marriage is about love,understanding
and commitment.

Always hugs and flowers

Both from children

And teachers

It was all a bit much for someone.

Says it all.


  1. I'm shocked that someone has taught you about mushrooms yet. We stick to just a few but have got quite into hunting for them - when the wild boar haven't dug them up that is. That last picture is wonderful and what a brilliant way to spend your Golden Wedding Anniversary. Many many congratulations and bless you both immensely

  2. Jo we had a full day on mushrooms at school with one of Latvia's leading fungi experts,there are so many varieties some good and some very bad so we leave them well alone besides we have so many friends here if we wanted some we would only have to ask. Thanks for the other comments, we love the last picture as well.

  3. What beautiful tales of your experiences and just love the pictures that went with the stories. It was Robert the Bruce, I think, that said 'if you don't succeed, try, try again!' So glad you did. How touching of the school to celebrate your anniversary in that way. Val's not the only one .... brought a tear to my eyes so can imagine just how emotional it was for Val. Love to you both x

    1. Thanks Lynne, it's nice to get some feedback,
      then it doesn't feel like a waste of time.


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